Pubg pc controls
Pubg pc controls

This emulator comes with the PubG Mobile already installed, you only have to configure the controls and you will be ready to play. It's an emulator released by the same people who developed the game, so it's optimized enough to play PubG Mobile and any shooting game available for phones.

pubg pc controls

The official Tencent Games emulator is called gameloop, we can get it on various websites or from the company's official website. default, then you can rearrange the keys you want to use as you practice playing the game and become more comfortable. You must take into account that when playing on PC the controls change completely and you must make a very different configuration than the one we handle for mobile devices, because the same actions are used, but distributed on the keyboard and mouse of your computer.

Pubg pc controls how to#

It can be especially frustrating when youre trying to find out how to fast forward, use. However, the game was initially developed only for mobile devices, but with the large number of downloads and requests from the entire community worldwide, Tencent Games decided to release it for PC and develop an incredible emulator so you can enjoy PubG Mobile from your computer. PUBGs replay controls can be surprisingly finickity, with no clear idea given in-game for how to use them. Note: Controls for Xbox have been gathered from an article from Xbox News Wire and PlayStation controls have been gathered from the Dev Blog. UPDATED FOR 2022 The BEST PUBG Console Controller sensitivity settings for PS4, PS5, Xbox & PC My updated sensitivity settings for PUBG Console. This great shooter is one of the most popular games today. The following are the official controls for BATTLEGROUNDS.

pubg pc controls

How to play PubG Mobile on PC with Official Tencent Emulator How to play PubG Mobile on PC with Official Tencent Emulator

Pubg pc controls